

Please ensure that all samples are labeled and that the submittal form is properly filled out.  If you have any questions about the submittal form, please do not hesitate to ask.

To contact us click here.

 If the form is not filled out properly, or is unclear, it may result in a delay before your samples can be analyzed.  

For rocks or drill cores, label the outside of the shipping box with: “Geological rock samples for analysis only; No commercial value”

For soil shipments, CFIA permit is required.  Please contact client services for the CFIA document to accompany the shipment.  Label the outside of the box with: Geological samples for analysis only; No commercial value”

The preferred courier providers are Fedex or UPS.

For your convenience our submittal form is available in two fillable formats (please select from the options below):


Our shipping address:


MS Analytical Laboratories

Attn: Sample Receiving
Unit 1, 20120 102nd Avenue
Langley, BC  V1M 4B4
Please include the following information in your sample submittal form:

  • Your company name and/or contact name(s)
  • List or range of sample IDs
  • Analysis required and/or elements you are looking for
  • Results destination(s)
  • Invoice destination(s)
  • Sample Return / Disposal instructions

Our staff has a wide range of experience and technical expertise; we would be pleased to assist you in determining the appropriate package for your program needs. Please contact our Client Services department to discuss your specific sample requirements.

Phone: +0049 1639804012

Samples may be dropped off in person to the address above between the hours of 8am and 5pm